
Benefits of KrishiMandir’s BRM Platform

  • The KrishiMandir Beneficiary Relationship Management (BRM) platform is uniquely designed to assist agricultural companies and rural organizations communicate effectively with the rural community. We provide our clients an end to end, AI driven platform with the following benefits:
  • To-and-Fro Communication with the beneficiary handled by AI powered vernacular chatbot.
  • Sending customized behavioural change notifications to beneficiaries over WhatsApp based on beneficiary profile.
  • Beneficiary Query Resolution by trained Voice Assistant capable of engaging in vernacular conversations.
  • Digitized Impact Assessment Surveys and baseline surveys can give essential insights into program strategy development or effectiveness on a continuous basis.


  • Every behavioral change notification, be it a video, text or document is gamified with an attached points system
  • Based on what the beneficiary answers, he or she is allotted points, Local heroes can be celebrated.


  • Every behavioral change notification, be it a video, text or document is gamified with an attached points system
  • Based on what the beneficiary answers, he or she is allotted points, Local heroes can be celebrated.

Ease of Data Collection through Digital Forms

  • Long and Tedious Forms can be replaced by Digitized Forms over Whatsapp.
  • Forms can be filled directly by service delivery person or by beneficiary.
  • No need for apps as all functions and data types are supported by Whatsapp API with complete privacy.
  • In the case of User ID upload, the AI can be trained to automatically fill in data from the User ID.
  • Authentication can be done through Aadhar based e-signatures.

AI based query resolution

  • The beneficiary is encouraged to communicate about lack of receipt of government schemes, quality of services or any other grievance through a simple voice note
  • The AI will be trained to understand the voice note, categorize the grievance query and send it to appropriate responder.
  • Grievances are communicated either to supervisor or to central dashboard, depending on its nature.


  • AI tools will be used to extract and store information based on conversations with beneficiaries.
  • This will be in addition to data already entered into the android application by the field employees.
  • Based on this data, the AI will create targeting groups for various communication modules.
  • For example, messaging related to immunization needs to happen in geographies where immunization is low and where we have prevalent barriers in place


  • Typically SMS messages are one way only.
  • Audio calls managed by live agents have a significant time delay in replying back.
  • AI powered conversational AI can trigger two way conversations over Whatsapp.
  • 70-80% of all conversations can be digitized and handled by AI with only some conversations needing manual intervention.


  • Data can be synchronized across all applications of the department and Central Government applications
  • Synchronization can be based on mobile phone number or Aadhar Number or both
  • Critical data like beneficiary KYC, location, Aanganwadi ID, pregnancy details, child’s birth details, etc can be synced across all applications.


  • Feedback Mechanism is central to understanding progress of any scheme.
  • Feedback loops can be established within Whatsapp wherein feedback is taken from beneficiary as well as field employees.
  • eedback can be taken in the form of chat conversations, speech, photographs, etc
  • Based on the feedback, assessment can be made as to where the program has done well and where additional intervention is needed.

How KrishiMandir’s AI driven ecosystem drives behavioral change


  • Creating Awareness of benefits of adopting positive behavioral change practices.
  • Targeting select groups through Whatsapp who need to adopt or change behavioral patterns
  • Setting reminders/schedules for positive practices for example, i.e. vaccination schedules, checkup reminders, etc.
  • Gamifying content


  • Sharing localized success stories with all key stakeholders. Success stories can be sourced locally facilitated by digital eco-system
  • Understanding barriers and customizing content to overcome the same.
  • Showing localised metrics to stakeholders like number of people immunized in neighbouring villages, etc.


  • Mapping agency of key stakeholders including peer and family pressures, distance from service centers, transportation, finances, etc.
  • Voice and Image Recognition based servicing of beneficiary


  • Understanding reason behind non-adoption through voice and image recognition services in Whatsapp chatbot
  • Feedback can be easily taken through Whatsapp surveys or simply through a voice based feedback system in whatsapp.
  • AI can analyse feedback and determine cause for failure of adoption of behavioral change practice.

Features of KrishiMandir BRM Platform

Employee WhatsApp

Beneficiary Management App

All functions of the field employee can be digitized over Whatsapp. The Employee Whatsapp module enables the employee of the government to manage beneficiaries, receive beneficiary queries, track service or product delivery, digitize beneficiary meetings, send invitations, record home visits as well as send recommendations.

Organisational Dashboard

Managing multiple stakeholders

The dashboard enables the organization to manage its beneficiaries and employees on a single platform. It uses advanced analytics to enable the organization to do targeted filtration based on geography, behavioural patterns, beneficiary history, conversational analytics, etc and communicate directly with the beneficiary.

Beneficiary WhatsApp

AI chatbot for beneficiary

Beneficiary can receive communication through the organisation's official WhatsApp channel and interact with the company through voice. KrishiMandir AI is trained to understand beneficiary’s voice queries.